Jakob Söderström


Project Showcase

City Builder

Over three months, I developed this project with a game designer at the start of my game dev journey.

It is a city-builder game with an entirely procedurally generated world with resources, a generated grid to assist with pathfinding through the world, and a job system for workers.

Since this was one of my earlier projects, there were a few hurdles to overcome and lessons we learned along the way. But it is one of the projects I enjoyed working on the most! I am particularly pleased about the world generation. It's very tweakable, functions well with our AI, and most importantly, looks believable from the player's perspective.

2023 GGJ Game Jam

This game is called Cursed Forest, made by a team of 4 other members and me during the 48-hour GGJ game jam.

Cursed Forest is a top-down shooter bullet hell game with a twist on the traditional skill tree mechanic. Instead of players only becoming stronger, every upgrade comes at the expense of a stat drop.

Since we only had two days to make this game from scratch, we needed to be able to work efficiently and not spend time in meetings or coordinating tasks. To accomplish this, we set up a kanban board containing all the features that the game needed. We described all tasks in the form of user stories which worked wonders, removing the need for many unnecessary meetings.

C++ Pathfinding

This is a lab in C++ from one of my university courses. The task was with a given graph/grid to find a path between two points. And visualize the pathfinding algorithms so that you can visually see how they work.

The algorithms implemented were as follows, depth-first search, breadth-first search, Dijkstra's algorithm, and of course, A*.

Source Logic

Source logic is one of the more recent projects I have been developing with a game designer. It is a roguelike game where you progress through stages, building a deck of spells and acquiring items that permanently buff your character.

A unique aspect of this game is the turn-based combat, where the player uses their hand of cards and a mana pool to program what actions they want to take this round. The combat takes place on a hexagonal grid where the goal is to defeat all enemies on the grid.

If the player succeeds in doing so, they will get a reward. From the player's perspective, this game involves much planning to optimize combat, deck building, map movement and adapting to a particular run.

Jakob Söderström

My name is Jakob. I'm a passionate programmer that studies Computer Science and Engineering at Linköping University. I find a lot of enjoyment in programming as a whole and especially in the context of game development.

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the art of game development, and I aspire to become and work as a game programmer. The purpose of this website is to briefly showcase me and my past three years of learning game development.


Unity Engine
C++ Programming
★ ★ ★ ★ ✩
C# Programming
★ ★ ★ ★ ✩
Python Programming
★ ★ ★ ✩ ✩

