Source Logic

Developing Source Logic presented a variety of unique challenges that provided valuable lessons. One key takeaway was the importance of clear planning and structured systems to manage the various game mechanics and interactions effectively.

Additionally, the project required adaptable workflows to accommodate the limited spare time of the team members. This necessitated prioritization and regular communication to ensure steady progress without either team member being blocked.

Another lesson learned was the value of creating easily modifiable systems and interactions, allowing the game designer to experiment and iterate without requiring extensive programming knowledge. Overall, the project was a collaborative effort highlighting the importance of persistence, experimentation, and collaboration in overcoming obstacles.

Source Logic is a game that combines elements from some of the best rogue-like and deck-building games. Taking inspiration from games such as Bad North and Slay the Spire, this game sets itself apart with a unique combat system that keep players engaged.

As a C# Unity programmer, I worked with a game designer to bring this game to life. My role was to get the designer's vision to fruition by programming the game's mechanics and features.

One of the standout features of Source Logic is its turn-based combat system. In this system, players draw cards from their deck and use their mana pool to program spells that will play in order when they end their turn. This adds a strategic element to the game, as players must carefully choose which spells to use and when to use them.

The deck-building aspect of the game allows players to customize their decks with spell cards they acquire throughout the game. This means that players can tailor their decks to their playstyle and strategy.

One of the most challenging aspects of developing Source Logic was implementing the hexagonal grid feature. The hexagonal grid is an essential aspect of the game, as it allows for more movement options and adds complexity to the combat system.

I created a hex grid class that other scripts could use. This class made it easier to implement the hexagonal grid and ensured better performance and scalability. The hex grid class was able to calculate the positions of each hexagon, handle hexagon adjacency, and provide an easy interface for other scripts to access and interact with the hexagonal grid.

Working on this project was challenging. As a full-time student working with a game designer who had a full-time job, finding time to work on the project was difficult.

I worked on the project during my free time and communicated with the designer through online messaging and video calls. This helped me stay on track and ensure the project was progressing.



What I learned

Key Features

As the game's programmer, I implemented various gameplay mechanics, including the combat system, deck building, and enemy AI. One of the key challenges I faced was creating a smooth and responsive combat system that could handle the complex interactions between player and enemy spells.

To achieve this, I implemented a turn-based system that ensured all spells were resolved logically and with planned outcomes. This involved a lot of testing and tweaking by the game designer and me. It is crucial that the designer can experiment and change things without extensive programming knowledge or, in the best case, not needing to interact directly with the code at all.

In addition to the combat system, I am also working on implementing the deck-building mechanics. This involved designing a user interface for players to manage their decks and select which spells to add or remove. We are also planning on creating a system for unlocking new spells as players progress through the game, adding a sense of progression and reward.

Another critical feature of Source Logic is the enemy AI, which requires careful programming to ensure that enemies act intelligently and pose a challenge to the player. This involved creating a system for the computer to queue up spells based on the combat state and designing algorithms for enemy movement and targeting.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Source Logic and my role in its development. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you!

